
What the Next-Gen GPS Satellite Upgrade Means for You - thompsonmorpegir

Testing is about to begin along the next-generation of Global Positioning System satellites, with the reaching of a prototype whole at a Lockheed Martin complex in Colorado River.

These "Block III" satellites are part of a $5.5 billion elevate to Global Positioning System, a government-run system that consumers rely on for directions on their phones, cars and standalone navigation devices. What does the big upgrade have in mind for consumers? Hither are the big improvements that Block III aims to provide:

Better Accuracy

Block III Global Positioning System Satellites volition comprise able to determine position to within three feet, compared to 10 feet with flow technology, the Related to Pressur reports. That translates to more accurate directions while dynamical, and Thomas More significantly, better trailing when the substance abuser is connected foot. More than true navigation will prove especially valuable every bit tech companies such as Google hear to take their mapping apps indoors to shopping malls and transit hubs,

More Sure Coverage

Block III GPS is obligated to be more reliable in areas where the current technology is shaky, such as under heavy Tree canopies or on city streets enclosed past skyscrapers. And as Google Maps project coach Steve Gypsy Rose Lee told Pumped up last calendar month, GPS doesn't work well indoors, so Google had to do a lot of extra work to improve accuracy. The more powerful Block Deuce-ac satellites should be more reliable in covered areas and may reduce the amount of work requisite for interior applications.

Safer from Jamming

The AP notes that Hinder III's higher-powered signal testament be "harder for enemies to jam," but intentional attacks may not be the only concern. Consumer-plac GPS jammers, which are black to sell or exercise but are nonetheless popular among commercial drivers who don't need to be tracked by their employers, likewise pose a safety risk. In 2009, for instance, one teamster's signal jammer was interfering with GPS at Newark airport in New Jersey. Block III's more powerful transmissions wish better resistance to GPS jam.

The prototype that arrived at Lockheed Martin this workweek won't be launched into space. The foremost flight model leave arrive next summer, with the goal of launching in English hawthorn 2022. Ultimately the Pentagon wants to buy out 32 satellites with the new applied science, but we'll Be using the existent technology for at least the next couple of years.

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