How To Keep My Chickens And Ducks Out Of My Garden And Flower Beds
Question: Keeping Pet Chickens and Ducks from Eating Vegetables?
Bronze Request Medal for All Time! 53 Requests
July 1, 2007
I have a client I work for who has chickens, hens, roosters and ducks. She has also planted a garden and the animals are eating/ruining her tomato plants. Is there a way for her to keep them away from her garden, short of keeping them cooped up? She likes to let them out to roam during the day. Thanks for any help on this.
jmz2005 from Illinois
Silver Post Medal for All Time! 364 Posts
July 2, 2007 0 found this helpful
Best Answer
Either coop up the animals or coop up the plants.
July 2, 2007 0 found this helpful
Best Answer
I have planted my garden in cages, my chickens run free, I have learned how long their necks are. I have purchased the framing for canapés and put them around my garden, I have pig fence 3 ft. high and plastic bird netting the upper 3 ft.
I have bantys, they fly, between clipping wings and an overhang of netting here and there I actually have a bird free garden, I have several little gardens all over my backyard 16 x16, 8 x 12, 6 ft. round for beans, this is the only way I have been able to garden with my birds, Chris Cross on the framework I grow radishes, green onions, parsley, basil, and of course strawberries in hanging baskets, it's a bit crowded but at least I have my garden.
August 21, 2008 0 found this helpful
Best Answer
I have my garden on the other side of the fence, I have free range chickens, ducks, and geese, They have a acre; I got a space as big as your kitchen table for my garden, think there's somthing wrong with this picture. But I do have a weed free lawn out of it, with only 2 geese, 2 hens, and 6 ducks. They are so funny at the best of times they make the world a better place just watching them.
Question: Neighbor's Chickens Eat My Vegetables?
I have a neighbor that has chickens and they are free range. I plant a garden every year and it is about 20' by 25'. Every year those damn birds eat more of my crops than I do and yes I have put up chicken wire and it does not work. Any suggestions on how to keep them out? Thanks.
By Ron
Question: Keeping Chickens Out of the Garden?
I need to know how to keep chickens out of my garden.
By Jean from Hoosick Falls, NY
May 12, 2012 0 found this helpful
You don't say how big your garden is but maybe driving some wood stakes in the ground around the perimeter of the garden and then attaching chicken wire to the stakes. When you are finished your garden will be ringed with chicken wire and that should keep the chicks out.
January 20, 2018 1 found this helpful
The very best, most fool proof way to keep the chickens out of the garden, make chicken soup. ;P
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How To Keep My Chickens And Ducks Out Of My Garden And Flower Beds
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